Streamline your recruitments with Talent Software Job Templates

Two interface options: "Use a template" for creating a new job using a template, and "New job" for creating it from scratch
August 30, 2021

Get started faster than ever with new recruitments using Talent Software Job Templates. As an administrator in Talent Software, you can now facilitate your and your colleagues' recruitment jobs by saving templates for different types of services. The next time you create a new service, you can either choose to create a new service from scratch or choose to use one of your Job Templates. Super forging, isn't it?

Job Templates lets you save:

  • Service title
  • Service description
  • Short split text
  • Process step
  • Selection questions
  • Automatic ABC categorization
  • list emails based on ABC categorization

Ready to try an easier way to create new jobs? Follow our simple guide How to create a new Job Template and get started in minutes!

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