Let candidates subscribe to your open positions with Talent Software Subscribe

A smartphone screen showing a subscription form for job alerts. The form includes fields for email, name, and department.
August 30, 2021

Now we have made it even easier for potential top candidates to stay up to date on future career opportunities with you. With the new Talent Software Subscribe, candidates who are interested in working with you can now subscribe to vacancies with you – which both match what they want to work with and where they want to work.

With Talent Software Subscribe you can:

  • Keep potential candidates up to date on job vacancies with you - which both match what they want to work with and where they want to work
  • Ongoing work on building a pool of interested candidates
  • Measure the impact of your Employer Branding work over time
  • Facilitate the handling of spontaneous applications

Ready to get started with Talent Software Subscribe? Follow our simple guide How to set up Talent Software Subscribe and get started in minutes!

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