Automatic referencing & much more

Three people smiling and working at a table with laptops, with a smartphone in the foreground showing a survey question.
April 20, 2022

Automatic reference management with Refapp

Want to digitize your reference management? Now we have an integration with Refapp that offers a professional, secure and smooth reference management! By using Refapp, you can save time spent hunting for references - and spend that time interviewing more candidates instead. References then respond when and how it suits them best - via mobile, tablet or computer. Alternatively, the reference chooses to be called via Refapp's calendar booking function. All you need to get started is to follow this guide

Improved testing experience

  • We have now improved the design of the Test tab to make it even easier to find candidates' test results - regardless of test provider
  • We've also made it easier to create new process steps with automatic testing or reference taking.

Various performance improvements & bug fixes

In addition to new features and updates, we're always working to make Talent Software faster, easier and better. This includes several minor fixes and changes that help create an even better tool.

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Book a free consultation

Want to learn more about how we can help you and your company attract and recruit the right candidates - fast, smart & easy? Book a free consultation with one of our specialists in job advertising, recruitment, employer branding & recruitment tools.

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