How we helped Svevia increase female applicants for the role of Road Worker

Banner showing We Select and Svevia collaboration with two smartphones displaying Svevia's Facebook posts for road worker job
May 24, 2022

Project summary

Svevia's goal was to recruit more female candidates for their positions in the operations division. In order to attract and recruit more female candidates for the role of Roadworker around Sweden, Svevia chose to use job advertising together with us at We Select. Through continuous Employer Brand-strengthening advertising for the target group, we managed to exceed the target of more relevant applications from women.

About Svevia

With approximately 1,900 employees, Svevia is one of Sweden's largest construction companies and specialises in building and managing roads and infrastructure.

Objectives & Goals

  • To inform passive and active candidates about vacancies in road works
  • Increasing the proportion of top candidates for the post of road worker
  • To succeed in attracting and recruiting women to the position of road worker
  • To increase the number of qualified applications from the number of women per post from 1 to 3


To get more relevant applications from female candidates, Svevia chose Employer Brand-strengthening advertising on Facebook & Instagram via us at We Select.

Step 1 – We built awareness of working as a road worker at Svevia

In the first stage of advertising, inspirational and informative video ads were targeted to active and passive candidates on Facebook & Instagram.

Step 2 – We highlighted the best things about working as a road worker at Svevia

In the second stage of advertising, we re-advertised to candidates who had shown interest in working as a road worker at Svevia, highlighting the best things about the job.

Step 3 – We encouraged interested candidates to apply for the job of road worker

In the third stage of advertising, we re-advertised to candidates who had shown great interest in working as a road worker at Svevia and encouraged them to apply for one of Svevia's vacancies as a road worker.


  • On average 85 applications / post
  • An average of 10 applications from women / post
  • An average of 3 qualified applications from women / position
  • 3X more qualified applications from women/position (compared to the past)
"Our campaign with We Select is off to a good start and we look forward to studying the final results later this year. We believe and hope that with successful cooperation in the project, commitment and joint effort we can achieve our goal at Svevia - to recruit more female road workers to our operations." - Ebba Antin, HR Partner at Division Operations

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